Tipo Heat Exchangers Manufacturers, Cooling Towers Manufacturers, and Industrial Chillers Manufacturers

Adiabatic wheel heat exchanger in Chennai, Tamilnadu

Adiabatic wheel heat Exchangers

Tipo Adiabatic wheel Heat exchangers are devices whose primary responsibility is the transfer (exchange) of heat, typically from one fluid to another.However, they are not only used in heating applications, such as space heaters,but are also used in cooling applications, such as refrigerators and air conditioners. Many types of heat exchangers can be distinguished from on another based on the direction the liquids flow. In such applications, the heat exchangers can be and be parallel-flow, cross-flow, or counter current. In parallel-flow heat exchangers, both fluid involved move in the same direction,entering and exiting the exchanger side by side. In cross-flow heat exchangers,the fluid paths run perpendicular to one another. In counter current heat exchangers, the fluid paths flow in opposite directions, with each exiting where the other enters. Counter current heat exchangers tend to be more effective than other types of exchangers.


Adiabatic Wheel Heat Exchanger For Description : –

Heat exchanger is used for transferring the heat from one fluid to another. In addition to heating applications, they can also be used in cooling applications, such as refrigerators and air conditioners. According to the direction the liquids flow, heat exchangers can be divided into parallel-flow type, cross-flow type, and counter current type.

Feature For Adiabatic Wheel Heat Exchanger : –

Adiabatic wheel heat exchanger is made up of a large wheel with threads. The threads will rotate through the hot and cold fluids to extract or transfer heat. This kind of heat exchanger will employ an intermediate fluid to store heat. The heat will be transferred to the opposite side of the exchanger unit. Adiabatic wheel heat exchanger is especially suitable when it is agreeable for a minimum amount of mixing to happen between the two streams.


Adiabatic Wheel Heat Exchanger Application : –

  1. Adiabatic wheel heat exchanger can be widely used in chemical industries, such as petroleum refining and petrochemical processing
  2. This heat exchanger is useful in the food industry,such as the pasteurization of milk and the canning of processed foods
  3. In the production of power and electricity, it is also be helpfully.
  4. In the field of cryogenics, adiabatic wheel heat exchanger can separate low-temperature gases.
  5. These heat exchangers can be used as the workhorses in the whole field of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning.
  6. In addition, they can be applied to nuclear reaction systems, aircraft and space vehicles
  7. Chemical reactions or energy generation processes can be performed inside adiabatic wheel heat exchangers.


Adiabatic wheel heat Exchangers